Privacy Statement

Last Updated 04/01/18

This privacy statement establishes how information gathered about you from your visit to our website will be used by this website's operators. Under some circumstances, we may be required to disclose such information in accordance with the California Public Records Act or other legal requirements.


USCB America recognizes the importance of protecting your personally identifiable information. To demonstrate our commitment to maintaining the privacy of your personally identifiable information (PII), we have created this Privacy Notice to disclose our privacy practices for the personally identifiable information that we collect online.

Personally Identifying Information Collected from Web Forms

By filling out a web form, you are sending us personal information (i.e. your name, address, e-mail address or other information). USCB America uses this information to respond to or process your request or otherwise resolve the subject matter of your submission.

Sharing Information with Third Parties

Any information submitted to us may be shared with a consumer representative, employee, or agent that is best suited to respond to your communication. We will not share your personal information with third parties without your permissions except to the extent necessary to fulfill your request, protect ourselves from liability, or comply with the law. We do not have direct control over the policies or practices of any third parties and are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of those sites. We recommend and encourage you to always review the privacy policies of any third party websites before you provide any personal information or complete any transaction with such parties. For credit card transactions, the independent licensee collects and processes credit card information and receives payment for services. Thus, the independent licensee is subject to the merchant rules of the credit card processors it selects.


When you submit your personal information to us, we have obtained your consent to the acquisition, use, and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Notice and any additional information provided by you at the point of acquisition. If you do not agree with the terms of this Privacy Notice, please do not submit any information through our Websites.


We use industry-standard SSL-encryption to protect data transmissions. We also safeguard your personal information from unauthorized access, through access control procedures, network firewalls and physical security measures. Further we retain your personal information only as long as necessary to fulfill your request.

Who is covered under this Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice applies to all of the products and services that are offered on This Privacy Notice does not apply to websites or locations not owned and controlled by USCB America or a subsidiary. Each independent licensee collects PII and uses the PII for its own purposes. We do not control the independent licensee's use of this PII..

California / Delaware Do Not Track Disclosures

Various third parties are developing or have developed signals or other mechanisms for the expression of consumer choice regarding the collection of information about an individual consumer’s online activities over time and across third-party web sites or online services (e.g., browser do not track signals). Currently, USCB America does not monitor or take any action with respect to these signals or other mechanisms.

Changes to this Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice applies to all information USCB America collects or receives, on or after the effective date of this Privacy Notice, from individuals who provide USCB America with such information on this Website.

USCB America reserves the right, at our sole discretion, without notice, to change, modify, add, or remove portions from this Privacy Notice. Please review this policy periodically. Your continued use of signifies your acceptance thereof.

USCB America is a debt collection agency. This is an attempt to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for this purpose.